Our Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program focuses on placing veterans that are currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness into long-term employment, as well as provides social services.
Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program
Program Components
Program Locations (by county)
Daniel Bucataru is a US Air Force veteran who struggled finding a job after his service. He became homeless and jobless. After being referred to HVRP he received free job skills training and on-on-one support from a case manager! |
Goodwill’s Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program is administered by the Veterans’ Employment and Training Services (VETS) of the U.S. Department of Labor. This documentation does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.