When you drop off your donations at Goodwill, you’ll receive a receipt from a donation attendant. Hang on to this receipt – at the end of the year, you can claim a tax deduction for clothing and household items that are in good condition.
But how do you know what your donations are worth? The U.S. Internal Revenue Service requires you to value your donation when filing your return. We found a few resources that might be helpful. Goodwill’s Donation Valuation Guide Our simple 2-page guide features estimates for the most commonly donated items. The guide assumes your items are in good condition. Please remember the prices are only estimated values. Download our donation valuation guide now. Online Donation Tracker Want to manage your donation records electronically? Goodwill has partnered with CharityDeductions.com to help you keep track of your donated items and their value throughout the year. Get started for free today and enter the promo code goodwill to save 20 percent off of a paid membership. IRS Publication 561 This publication is designed to help donors and appraisers determine the value of property (other than cash) that is given to qualified organizations. It also explains what kind of information you must have to support the charitable contribution deduction you claim on your return. Go to IRS Publication 561.
September 2023