What makes a Thanksgiving table complete? Not only turkey, mashed potatoes, and loved ones but also a great centerpiece! Simple decorations will make your meal more festive and memorable. And your favorite New Mexico Goodwill store offers perfect décor items! With just a little bit of creativity, you can wow your guests with holiday table decor that doesn’t break the bank. Try this affordable DIY centerpiece idea!
Pumpkin Patch Candleholders What you’ll need:
At your local Goodwill, purchase a few wine glasses. Three would be best and in varying sizes. Paint the goblet of each wine glass orange to create a pumpkin and paint the wine glass stem and base brown. Add a few stripes of brown and yellow to the orange area to represent the natural features of a pumpkin. If you really want to capture a natural look, use the sponge or rag to stipple the stripes on gently. As an optional step, spray fully dry glasses with a clear gloss finishing spray. Next, keeping the glasses upside down, add foliage where the goblet and stem meet. Leaves and wispy twigs are good choices and can be secured using hot glue, clear tape, string or floral wire. Finally, place a small votive candle on the upturned base. You’ll have created an inexpensive and beautiful handmade centerpiece!
September 2023